The Benefits of Owning an Electric Bed


If you are an older person or someone with mobility difficulties, bedtime can easily cease being a calm refuge from the busyness of the day, and become an uncomfortable prison. No matter how nice the mattress and bed frame, it is sometimes difficult to get comfortable on traditional beds. For some people it is also a severe challenge getting into and out of bed without assistance.

If any of this sounds familiar, there are several key benefits to owning an electric bed.

1. Regain your Independence

Electric beds are adjustable to the shape of your body, easing into position so you can easily get into bed, and lifting you up again when you are ready so you can get up unaided. This removes a lot of the inconvenience of having to get up in the night and means you won’t need any help when rising in the morning.

2. Have a Great Night Sleep

For people suffering with joint pain, arthritis or limited movement – or with muscular disabilities, it can be difficult to get comfortable in a standard bed. With an electric bed, you can adjust the position of your mattress and bed frame to exactly meet your requirements. So you can say goodbye to restless and uncomfortable nights and get the good night’s sleep that you deserve.

3. Unique Style

Contrary to common misconceptions, electric beds are available in a wide range of styles to suit all tastes. Whether you prefer sturdy wooden frames in dark or light woods, or soft fabric bed frames, we can create an electric bed to suit you.

4. Bespoke Quality

Unlike standard bed frames, the electric beds we make at Mobility Direct North are custom built to meet your height, weight and mobility requirements. We can adjust the height, width, depth and length of your bed to make sure you have all the space you need and that your comfort is assured.

An electric bed is an important step in adapting your home to accommodate your mobility requirements and restore freedom of movement. Rather than ‘making do’ or depending on others to help you, you may be surprised at the positive impact an electric bed will make in your life.

For an affordable quote, please get in touch with one of our customer service team today.