Finding and Choosing the Right Mobility Aid


A mobility aid is an assistive device for people with mobility issues. Canes, walkers, crutches, wheelchairs and mobility scooters are some common mobility aids.

A right mobility aid enables the user to carry on day-to-day tasks with greater ease and independence. It is important to analyse your requirements and choose a reliable equipment provider to experience the true benefits of mobility aids.

Here are some tips that can help you in choosing mobility aids that work for you:

  • Canes are basic aids to improve your balance. They support only that side of the body that uses the cane. Canes come with single and multiple tips with multi-legged models offering greater balance and support. Canes with rubber-grip legs offer greater stability on slippery surfaces.
  • Walkers or rollators are useful if canes and crutches do not give you the required stability. These devices come with a wide base and adjustable heights for enhanced comfort and grip.

    While rollators are wheeled, walkers without wheels are available. If you have good strength and can lift and move the walker along with you, a walker without wheels should not be a problem.

  • A wheelchair can be considered if walking safely over minimal distances, say indoors, is difficult. Since manual wheelchairs need you to move the chair manually, choose lightweight vehicles for greater comfort.Electric wheelchairs use rechargeable batteries. A click of a button can get things done for you.
  • Motorized scooters are advanced versions of wheelchairs and are comfortable to cover larger distances, indoors or outdoors. They are battery-based vehicles and need to be steered around. Good arm control and firm fingers are essential to use this vehicle.

    Motorized scooters can be 3- or 4-wheeled, and come with a variety of features, including joystick steering and front baskets. There are compact models and those that can be disassembled.

Mobility Direct North Can Help

If you are looking for quality mobility aid and expert guidance, Mobility Direct North in Newcastle Upon Tyne, is the place to visit. We have a range of mobility aids, including walking aids, manual and powered wheelchairs, and mobility scooters.

Contact us at 0191 285 4245 for more details.